Our Services
Aniara offers everything you need to make your published books reach a global audience. Your cost? None at all.
The unique Aniara translation model is based on Natural Language Processing and quality controlled by linguists, translators and readers in a five-step-process. It is shaped after your style of writing to ensure best possible quality. We translate your works from the original language to English (UK and US), German, Spanish (Castellan and Latin Spanish), Danish, Finnish, Swedish and Swahili. with more languages to come.
We produce your works in all selected languages in the following formats: e-book, audio (both streaming and pay-per-download) and print-on-demand on all our markets.
Aniara makes sure the produced works reach a much wider audience through a distribution network that reaches all major storefronts in 14 different markets, including US, UK, Canada, Mexico, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Argentina, Colombia and more.
We enhance your book covers, metadata, book sagas to be optimized for search engines and the online stores and streaming service algorithms.
We make sure your releases are supported by local press releases and we can also help you add even more visibility through online paid campaigns in social media and similar outlets where you can reach readers.
For Authors and IP-owners
With the help of Aniara your published works are now able to reach a global audience.
Aniara enables you to control your rights, your intellectual property with a transparent and quality assured translation and production process where you always have the final say before you decide to publish.
We make sure your works are optimized for the new media landscape and find their way to the right search queries and book listings in all the right services and sales windows to ensure you get the attention you deserve.
For Agents
Aniara works closely with international literary agents to help your authors to reach a much wider audience at no cost but with a very benificial revenue model.
You can also use Aniara to try out authors on different markets before approaching local Publishers and making the sales pitch much easier. No long lock-in periods or license models that you can’t get out of.
For Publishers
If you are a local Publisher who hold the international rights to your authors works, but can’t get the unit economics calculation on production costs vs revenue to match up – get in touch with us to collaborate!
“My words are like migratory birds and they will not give up until they nest in your heart”
Björn Ranelid – “A Thousand Women And a Sorrow”
For Authors With Authors
We believe the book readers and audio book listeners of the world deserves a fuller platter of great stories to travel between continents, binding us together as humans, creating commonly shared stories and making us focus more on seeing our common denominators rather than our differences as humans.

A few of the authors brought to a global audience through Aniara are Caroline Hainer, Björn Ranelid, Javier Sagastiberri, Christian Unge and Roger Lundgren.
About Aniara
Aniara is a service for authors and rights holders to reach a global audience with your locally published works. We have authors from all different genres and styles and countries.
We pick who we work with care, assessing the possibility for their stories to travel across markets and country borders.
For our translation processes we have experience from more than 20 years of machine learning and natural language processing, with one of the leading experts in the fields, creating our language models based on genre, style and the authors tone of voice.
The team behind Aniara has vast experience of driving digital transformation in different areas of the media industry in general and the book industry in particular.
We are not a traditional publisher – stay with your local and trusted publisher for your ongoing works – and we are no hybrid publisher – meaning you don’t have to risk your own money – but we have experienced publishers, editors, designers and translators working with high-end modern technology to help us turn your backlist into a shiny treasure.
We do this by disrupting traditional ways and cutting production costs (with maintained or even higher quality).
We are something completely different.
We are Aniara!
Rickard Lundberg, CEO
Email: rickard@aniara.one

© 2025 Aniara Press AB